Lindsay Pepin Ophus
Lindsay was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She grew up knowing and loving Jesus. Her life completely changed when she was a senior in high school and found out she was pregnant. Through prayer and counseling, Lindsay sacrificially placed her beautiful baby girl for adoption. Lindsay has earned her bachelor degree in advertising from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She married the love of her life, Malachi Ophus. She enjoys spending time with their two dogs. Through open adoptions, Lindsay has a relationship with her daughter . She travels and speaks using their story to share how the Lord can use the deepest pain to find joy.
Our Mission
Lindsay's calling is to share the love of Christ. Regardless of your circumstance, you too can find joy through Jesus. He is our source of all things good. Lindsay proclaims that life starts in the womb and all lives are worth protecting. There is healing and hope for women who find themselves in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy.
If you find yourself pregnant and needing support please contact us and we will help put you in touch with a local support center.

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